The Must-Have Visitor Management System for Engineering & Design Firms

Take a 12-minute tour of our most popular features

No paper logs. Cloud-based backups. Fewer distractions. Custom configuration.

Engineers and designers are tasked with creating and developing systems and structures that considers functionality, innovation, and sophistication.

As the creators of The Receptionist for iPad, a radically innovative visitor management system, we completely understand your need for an engineering and design digital check-in that can be customized to your industry’s unique needs unique needs of your industry and organization.

The Complete Guide to Visitor Management for the Engineering & Design Industry
Download the Guide

The Receptionist for iPad

The visitor management system that meets the unique challenges of engineering and design firms.

There is likely no shortage of visitors to your office—from guests to clients to contractors and temp employees. That’s why we developed a dynamic interface that considers the front desk from every angle and calms lobby chaos for both your team and your visitors.

Engineering and design firms that trust The Receptionist for iPad:

Improve efficiency. Remove distraction. Build a custom visitor management system.

Check out more about The Receptionist or sign up for a free 14-day trial.

14-day free trial

Turnkey solution so you can get started right away

Receptionist in a Box

Install The Receptionist for iPad on an existing iPad, or get The Receptionist in a Box, which includes an iPad, a floor or desk stand, and the software pre-installed — everything you need to start accepting visitors.

Learn more about The Receptionist in a Box