Do you ever read your own content (your blog, emails, website, etc.) and cringe a little or feel uninspired? Well then, it’s time to make a change! On this episode of the podcast, Michael Ashford, Director of marketing joins us to talk about writing like your customers talk. In the last couple years we’ve aimed to connect through our content and we’ve seen some great benefits.
Open and Click Rates
You probably already know that email open rates and click-through rates are important metrics for your business. You want your customers and potential customers to be interested in what you’re sharing, and open and click rates are ways to determine how interested your customers are. However, if you’re writing content that doesn’t connect or that leaves your readers confused or uninterested, then your content isn’t helping you. In the last one and-a-half to two years, we’ve seen our open email rate go from 18% to over 30% and the click through rate increase from less than 1% to over 3%. That’s a big change!
Be a human and write for real people
We want to be authentic in everything that we do, and the content we put out (in all forms) is no exception. Be genuine, tell stories, and write to a 3rd grade level. Seriously. If you’d like to see engagement, shares, and sales increase, then take a look at the content you’re creating and ask yourself if you’re writing like your customers talk.
Resource mentioned
Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller- one of Michael’s faves
e talked about them again: Our culture and values!
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