Operational plan

Planning What our Staff will Look Like in 2021

Michael Ashford

The FABRIC - a podcast from The Receptionist
Planning What our Staff will Look Like in 2021

On this episode of the podcast we’re joined by President, CEO, and co-founder, Andy Alsop. In Q4 of 2019, we’re running efficiently as a team of 10, with The Receptionist being used in over 3,000 locations. 

The 21 Operational Plan

At the start of 2019, we started projections for where we wanted our business and team to be in three years. But, what we quickly came to realize is that we weren’t clear on the specific department sizes. We saw that we also needed to consider the resources and budget as part of this staffing plan. So, the 21 Operational Plan was born and we’re three quarters into year one.

Where We’ll Be: Q4 2021

At the end of 2021, we plan to be a staff of 40 and The Receptionist will be in over 10,000 locations. With this speed of growth, we’ll continue to lean on Scalability Solutions, but we’ll be rethinking our hiring process a bit due to the large number of hires we’ll be doing. We need to maintain the quality of our hires but speed up the process. The growth in the team will also mean we have to change the physical space that we work in so the end of 2021 will look quite a bit different than how we look now. We’re looking forward to this growth over the next two years and plan to keep you posted along the way!

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