How Past Job Trauma Informs Our Current Conversations and Choices

Michael Ashford

The FABRIC - a podcast from The Receptionist
How Past Job Trauma Informs Our Current Conversations and Choices

With our company culture of FABRIC and our current focus on fully being an Infinite Company, we prioritize helping our team members feel happy and respected at work. But many of us came from situations that were not like this. Unfortunately, some of our team members have experienced job trauma and our Director of Marketing, Micahel Ashford, joins us to talk about it.

You Can Experience Job Trauma in Any Job

Job trauma isn’t just about working in spaces where the job itself is hard or stressful. What we’re talking about is being in a work environment where you feel under-valued, under-appreciated, overlooked, and/or underpaid. You might dread going to work or feel like just another cog in the machine. Perhaps every morning you worry if this is the day you’ll be fired. All of this is job trauma and many of the team members at The Receptionist have experienced situations like these.

We Want a Better Experience for Our Team

It’s always been important to our leadership team that every team member feels valued and respected. We’re now at a point where, with our Just Cause, we are committed to putting our profits back into our employees and our community. We are making sure that our team members have access to mental health services, that we support them with a vacation stipend, making it basically impossible not to take their vacation time, and that we continue to practice empathy in everything that we do. 

Resources mentioned

Being bootstrapped (and capital-efficient) means we’re not answering to other people

Learn more about our Just Cause

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