We’re always wanting to grow as a company; we want to be better and do better. Yes, we’re a Visitor Management Software, but we’re a bold company. On this episode of the podcast. our Founder, President, and CEO Andy Alsop joins to talk about something bold: Our Just Cause.
What is a Just Cause?
When Andy discovered Simon Sinek’s concept of being an Infinite Company, he was hooked. He realized we’re actually almost an infinite company except for something critical: having a Just Cause. As Simon discusses in his work, a company’s Just Cause is linked to their why, which is the purpose of being and the Just Cause is that why projected into the future.
Our why is to build a company that operates with compassion, lives with integrity, and fosters strong human connections.
Our just cause is to build a world where a company’s profits fuel the mission to be in service to its employees and the community.
This is Bold…We Know
Not only are we saying that we want to be a company that’s in service to its employees and the community, but we are committing to help build a world where this is the norm for how a company uses its profits.
Andy shares why this is so important to our leadership team, how clarity on this Just Cause will influence us moving forward, and some examples of how this is already in action. We know that sharing this Just Cause, as a small-ish later-stage startup is pretty bold, but that’s us.
In the name of authenticity (one of our core values), we wanted to share this with the world. We are motivated to succeed and we are going to lead by example. We hope this episode sparks something in you and we’d love to hear your thoughts.
Resources mentioned
Simon’s conversation with Inc about what every leader gets wrong
Learn more about the Just Cause (in 3 ½ minutes) from Simon Sinek
Check out Dan Price’s tweet about Hilton cutting jobs
Need a visitor management system with a bold Just Cause? Check us out for 2 weeks free (no credit card required)
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